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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Skiing: Ikuma Horishima extends World Cup moguls lead in New Hampshire

TOKYO (Kyodo) — Japan’s Ikuma Horishima solidified his lead in the men’s moguls World Cup standings by winning in wet conditions Friday at New Hampshire’s Waterville Valley ski resort.

The 26-year-old Beijing Olympic bronze medalist put together a flawless run in the final to earn his third win of the season and extend his lead over Canada’s Mikael Kingsbury to 50 points.

Horishima topped the podium with 85.84 points, beating second-place Cooper Woods of Australia by 4.80. Kingsbury scored 80.07 for third.

Olympic champion Jakara Anthony of Australia won the women’s event with 81.22 points, while seventh-place Hinako Tomitaka was the best finisher for Japan.
